Parents and Partners
We believe that parents’ partnership and engagement are integral to the growth of our students’ wellbeing and development. A strong school-family relationship can greatly benefit the child as well as parents. It is proven that children do better and achieve more when parents are involved in their progress in school. This level of parent involvement in schools allows parents and staff to work together in respectful and mutually supportive ways, creating an environment in which understanding, trust, and respect can flourish. At the same time, students get consistent messages from the important adults in their lives.
When children observe that home and school are engaged in a respectful partnership for their benefit, they are likely to develop more positive attitudes about school and achieve more.
Schools alone cannot address all of a child's developmental needs. The meaningful involvement of parents and support from the community are essential. Effective partnership is to gain resources that expand their capabilities and enhance students’ learning opportunities. We can leverage on our partners to learn best practises and tap on their expertise to serve our students better.